Red Hot Chili Peppers ~ Don't Forget Me
RHCP have annoyed me a lot in recent albums - Californication was good but tame, and what I've heard from By The Way goes along the same route. Happily, this is an excellent track which crosses the boundaries of safe production and does something a little 'different', at least in comparison with other recent Chili singles. It could be better - the repetitive solo at the end could just rip away, but it's a return to form nonetheless. Still to listen to the rest of the album, but there is a distinct lack of stylisation and fun that happened in the pre-One Hot Minute era which I haven't yet seen...
White Stripes ~ Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground
To come.
U2 ~ All I Want Is You
One of U2's finest ballads, an eternally simple chord structure (used in plenty other ballads I could name

) but polished well by the band and production team. Bono hits the spot once again in terms of lyrics and melody, and like much of the album, the song has new power when seen on the fantastic video, Rattle & Hum.
Neil Young ~ Keep On Rocking In The Free World

One day I'll DivX the version of me drumming this at the school gig... one day. Another simple construction but with extremely evocative lyrics and a telling message. It's nothing technically special, particularly Young's voice, but goes to show that the emotion of the song lies deeper than what you hear.