ixyl.co.uk is now affiliated with Amazon.co.uk. You can help the community and the site by using the button link at the bottom of the page to visit Amazon when making a purchase, and we will also be providing easy access links to products reviewed or discussed. Enjoy!
(please note: we will not edit your posts without prior permission with respect to the above. If you have written a review or discussion on a product which Amazon.co.uk sells and would like to help ixyl.co.uk by making affiliate links, please private message me)
Last edited by Kajun on Mon Dec 02, 2002 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Doing a bit of a clean up today, so bumping the above. I'm hoping to have a system whereby members can amazonise their own links without having to get in touch with me, via a simple online form. Watch this space, or the one next to it.
Not to worry. In future though, you can just click the link at the bottom of each page to enter Amazon, and it'll recognise that you came from ixyl. Also if you are mentioning any products and want to provide a link to them, let me know and I'll jig up an ixylised link.
It is impossible for communism to exist with an evil capitalist sphere. We must either isolate ourselves completely, or pull them down from the roots. And the Amazon has plenty of roots.
Just to say thanks folks, and keep up the good work Since the forums opened, you lot have spent a whopping £606.58 on ixylised Amazon links, with just over 5% of that sum being returned to help keep ixyl going. Top one, nice one, get sorted.