Presentation on CSS/accessibility

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Presentation on CSS/accessibility

Post by Kajun »


I'm trying to rack my brains of nifty things I could do in a presentation to non-CSS/XHTML savvy web designers without b0rking their minds. They've had a lot of accessibility introduction and a little CSS - I just want to add a couple of practical features to encourage them to experiment/look into it.

First off is media="print" and use of different stylesheets for different purposes. With the number of Word/PDF documents floating around the networks it's hoped that good use of media sheets will cut down on this.

Then there's CSS Zen Garden ideas, showing how easy it would be to rebrand sites, including use of off-site .css.

Anything else I could give out? Bear in mind the audience - i.e. university types.
Kajun is awaiting approval.