Entered... Out of interest, can anyone identify all three? I'm struggling with the Free track. It sounds strattish but doesn't have the right length of sustain.
I cant be arsed listening to them as I dont have real player insatlled at the mo ,I assume it wont be Hendrix as that would be too obviou as he is associated with mainly playing strats (LP occasionally) ...Would be nice if one of us won though so I'm just gonna guess I think !
Most will discount the obvious and guess Free, most who fancy themselves as knowledgable will guess The Byrds. Those who know, or are stupid, will get it right.
I wonder if I know or am I just stupid. Or do I have it wrong completely?
This might go even better in the current GPG thread, but goes well enough here as well. They said on the news, just last night I believe, that somewhere in Sweden they've found some previously unpublished Hendrix concert footage. Might be interesting to see. They showed a very short clip of it on the news.