Best guitar players and best solo

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Best guitar players and best solo

Post by Nick_cor »

Hows it going everyone, I'm new to this place and i've been playing guitar for some time now.. i think the best guitar player in my opinion is randy rhoads. Not cuz of that crazy train solo but cuz he was more formal and had amazing technique .. sure people like yngwie and petrucci have great technique but.. most of there stuff sounds the same .. no?
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Post by Ice »

Best guitar player... pretty hard to quantify as there's a lot of different styles etc. I'd probably say Alexi Laiho for overall skill and feel, with Paul Gilbert for flat out speed.

Favourite solo at the minute is Towards Dead End by Children of Bodom.
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Post by Bigpops »

My favourite player is by no means the best. It's Adrian Smith of Iron Maiden. I just really love his style.

For sheer skill and mastery of the instrument, i reckon Paul Gilbert and John Petrucci, and Michael Angel are hard to beat.
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Yeah man

Post by Nick_cor »

I hear you man .. john petrucci and little piggy yngwie .. woah amazing and Adrian he's a peice of artwork man .. but what about the easiest but coolest sounding solos? example ... crazy train.. its easy and it sounds great

and can someone please tell me how to insert a picture please?
anyone if they want can add me on msn.. its im on 24 7 .. and its 4 30 back were i live.. hope to have some kick ass guitar convos with you guys
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Post by Wolf11 »

Difficult one really I love Frank Gambale and Greg Howe..they may not be the best out there but they have to my ear great feel /melody and technique...

Wolf ;)
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Post by Kajun »

Hmmm, got to back to mid-90s progressive grunge I think. Mike McCready with Pearl Jam on Ten and Vs has some of the simplest and most emotive solos I know of; same with the lot of them in Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden etc.

Pat Metheny is mindblowing at times, particularly on Secret Story "epic jazz" style ventures.
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Post by Ice »

Got to agree on the Pearl Jam front there Kaj, the solo on 'Go' is pretty amazing. I kind of prefer Stone's solos though for fitting the songs - sometimes I feel Mike just goes off on one a bit too much (example, the wigout on Touring Band during Evenflow ;)).

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Post by DGV »

There is no best guitarrist. As for favourites, I always seem to go through phases when I listen to someone in particular, and think they're the greatest ever, then I move along to the next.

You gotta love Adrian Smith. :D And his style together with Dave Murray's is a very good combination. One of the all time great guitar duos imho. Alexi Laiho is also extremely good, and I really love his style. Even his vocals are slowly growing on me. As for Randy Rhoads, I think he was just brilliant and just a great musician. I can't get over how great much of his stuff is. It's actually quite a shame that we've only covered Mr. Crowley.

I've never really got into the mega-technical guys like Petrucci, Satriani, Vai, and Malmsteen. I hear great technique but I think it gets in way of the music even to some extent in their work. In fact, I sort of prefer older guys like Ritchie Blackmoore, Mark Knopfler, and Gary Moore who have great tone and feel, and though they have the great technique as well, they don't do anything fancy unless it fits the song.
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Randy for-evver

Post by Nick_cor »

:P randy .. woah .. anyone like the song.. revelation mother earth.. with randy .. the solo in it is amazing.. he has like sheer speed as wolf told me .. i got it all in order now.. -- sheer speed and shredding.. two diffrent things
Thanks wolf.
