What/when was your first MP3?

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What/when was your first MP3?

Post by Kajun »

Mine was definitely a Pearl Jam Christmas release; I remember having to download specific software to make it play on my Amiga. I believe this was in late December 1997/January 1998 but I can't be entirely sure. It was certainly no later than this, since I was in South Africa shortly after and mp3 was a Black Thing there. ;)
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Post by Ice »

I think it was something by Blink 182, I found this html page with downloadable songs - and they weren't WAVs and downloaded in about 20 minutes. I couldn't believe I could download a whole song in pretty much studio quality in that length of time... lol
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Post by heavy-rotation »

Twas 1996 I believe, and the tracks were some fairly dodgy remixes of dance music that was already bad. I didn't download them, they were on a CD with a bunch of samples and stuff that a friend gave to me. I don't remember what the MP3 player was called, but it was terrible ;) also was a 30-day-limited job, as I don't think winamp existed then.