Another noob!

Talent abounds in the <a href="">guitar playing group</a>, where our contributors reinterpret classics and modern tracks.

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Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Another noob!

Post by mak »

Well hello! :D

I stumbled across this forum doing a search for song covers, it seems altogether a much friendlier, more helpful place than the usual guitar forum suspects (harmony central being a huge jungle of flame wars).

BTW, i thought the 'Holy Wars' cover solos were excellently done Bigpops!

About me then...

I'm sixteen and have played for almost 6 years now ( :shock: wow that always amazes me, a long time, for me anyhow :wink: )
I have an ibanez s370 (discontinued :( ), but scalloped and with tone zone and air norton pups slapped in :twisted: ) and a rubbish old tanglewood nevada, also scalloped, i used it as an experiment...

Also, a cheap and nasty peavey rage 158 amp which i dont use for recording, and a korg axg1500. This pedal IMO has great sounds, really versatile. For recording, i just stick it into the PC so excuse the bad quality :wink:

Anyway, enough rambling! I look forward to learning some stuff i would never think of otherwise, and i have some ideas for when it comes to my turn aswell 8) . This forum is unlike any other i've seen and i'm sure it'll be great to be here!
I hope i can play the stuff... :bg: If not, well thats what this forum is for, right?

So yeah, hopefully you'll see more of me, but if not, well, it is the GCSEs :roll:

NB, do you use guitar pro or something for the backings?
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Post by Bigpops »

Hello, and welcome.

Feel free to dive straight into Crazy train.

The backing tracks are normally guitar pro tracks with the guitar removed, and exported as a midi. Unless ofcourse, someone has something better (eg, from a magazine cover CD).

I look forward to hearing you play. You should be pretty good, if you've been playing 6 years by your age.
Delta (Bokanovsky)
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

Thanks, i'll see about guitar pro. I once had a demo of GP3, but that was a little while back :?

I see Crazy Train is at early stages, so not too much catching up to do then :)

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Post by DGV »

Welcome aboard! I look forward to hearing your versions.
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Post by Ice »

Welcome aboard :D Hope you enjoy the GPG and I look forward to hearing your first mp3 ;) Any questions let us know...
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Post by Wolf11 »

Welcome aboard Mak:D ..

Wolf ;)
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Post by Kajun »

Hi Mak, welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy the show; if you need anywhere to store your recordings etc., please let me know and I'll sort out some hosting.
Kajun is awaiting approval.
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Post by magningam »

Hey buds!!

The moment I finished listening to 'When the Levee Breaks', I was jettisoned into the throes of extacy which I channelised into this review of the album. Enjoy!! :D

The fourth installment of the continuing Led-Zeppelin saga is different. The album featuring cult-classics like “Black Dogâ€