I stumbled across this forum doing a search for song covers, it seems altogether a much friendlier, more helpful place than the usual guitar forum suspects (harmony central being a huge jungle of flame wars).
BTW, i thought the 'Holy Wars' cover solos were excellently done Bigpops!
About me then...
I'm sixteen and have played for almost 6 years now (

I have an ibanez s370 (discontinued

Also, a cheap and nasty peavey rage 158 amp which i dont use for recording, and a korg axg1500. This pedal IMO has great sounds, really versatile. For recording, i just stick it into the PC so excuse the bad quality

Anyway, enough rambling! I look forward to learning some stuff i would never think of otherwise, and i have some ideas for when it comes to my turn aswell

I hope i can play the stuff...

So yeah, hopefully you'll see more of me, but if not, well, it is the GCSEs

NB, do you use guitar pro or something for the backings?