[GPG] Ice's Choice - Cherub Rock - The Smashing Pumpkins

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Delta (Bokanovsky)
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

thanks for the comments! :D maybe i should have put some compression on the solo?
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Post by Wolf11 »

Dam cool Mak ..I liked what you did with it,and really liked the solo.You certainly seem to get the GP backing tracks sounding cool ...good job :D I was going to improv the solo as well :lol: as It didnt really inspire me looking at the tab.

I still havnt even started to learn this,my audigy breakout box is fuxored so I bought a 1/4 " jack to 3.5mm adaptor so I can record into my Mobo,s onboard sound but like a nubbin I bought a Mono one thinking it would be fine,but only get the guitar through left hand speaker..so will be ordering another stereo one and filing the other one away under miscilanous parts lol.

Wolf ;)
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

hows everyone doing on this then?
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Post by AxeHack »

I'm really trying to get this done but all the planning for my wedding keeps getting in the way. Hopefully I can get something down by the middle of next week.
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Post by DGV »

A wedding? Congrats, man. That, and good luck. :wink:

I'll put something up by the end of this week.
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Post by Wolf11 »

I,ll probably recorsd this soon but it wil be guitar all left hand side lol,as I ordered the wrong part again :doh !!!

If I can get around to it though I'll get the correct adaptor and have a bash ...my midi now sounds crap since I am using onboard sound..but it will do for now ..

Good luck for the wedding as well Axe :D

Wolf ;)
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

congrats axe! hope it all goes well :D

wolf, i reckon you could sort out your recording problem by recording in mono ;)
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Post by Wolf11 »

I could :D..but it only comes through the left hand speaker ...I might be able to pull the plug out one notch for right hand :)

Wolf ;)
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Post by DGV »

I'm done.


Not as tight as I'd like and the solo I just sort if improvised, trying to keep the feel of the original. Not being any good at improvising, it didn't come out too well. I'm pretty happy with the tone I got from the JMP together with my new SansAmp. Not an eact replication but fuzzy enough for me.
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

I thought that was mostly quite tight timing wise, especially in the buildup to the solo (apart from a couple of hesitant spots).

tone was nice too :D
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Post by Ice »

Pretty good Dani :D

The playing was pretty tight throughout. The playing was good, I just thought the mix sounded a little confused - it has hard to pick out individual guitar parts. At the beginning it also sounded a little out of tune but that might just have been the chorusing of the guitars.

Good job overall though ;)
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Post by Wolf11 »

Pretty Good Dani :D ..I certainly liked the range of tones you are now getting ...your whole sound is getting more pro.

I thought you played this pretty well and I can olty echo what pete said about it being a bit confused as to each part..but overall it was fine :)

I had a go at recording this but with all guitar through the left hand speaker and so many parts it sounded yukk ..I have been waiting for a m8 to drop in an adaptor but that turend out to be wrong as well ( I now have 3 wrong ones the same :lol ) ..I shall oder the correct one today so I should be able to record this later in the week :)

Wolf ;)
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Post by DGV »

Thanks for the comments guys. I think a lot of the problems with the mix had to do with the fact that I had to run my signal through both the sansamp and the jmp to get that kind of fuzz, which made it all a bit unclear. Also, the sansamp seems to have only one fault in it, which is that it doesn't cut through the mix too well. I tried to get some differentiation by playing the other guitar just with the Marshall but it drowned out the sansamp even it though it was set at a much lower volume. The only good part about all of this is that it does cover up a lot of my mistakes. :lol: I'm hiding my mistakes behind all that distortion.

On a different note, I just re-listened to my version and was surprised at how clumsy my solo was in parts at least, as I had already forgotten. But you'll have to get used to it, since I've decided that the only way I'll ever get good at improvising and noodling around is by biting the bullet and going for it. :D
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Post by Bigpops »


I think it started off a bit shakey, but it got better towards the end, timing wise. The sound wasn't bad, but as Pete said, the guitars did get lost in each other at some points.
I didn't think the solo was too bad, considering it was off the cuff. Keep at it.

As i'm posting. Here are the twins:
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Post by Wolf11 »

Looks Lovely Darren :)

I forgot to say - I thought your improv solo was pretty good Dani,other than a couple of slightly off bends I thought it flowed pretty well ,as Darren says keep at it,the more you improvise the easier it tends to be :)

Wolf ;)
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Post by Wolf11 »

Well My correct (ish) adaptor came this afternnon so I decided to get this down.....I am relaly struggling to record with the onboard soundcard..as in the Windows sound settings I have no control over levels when recording..Instead of the slider being linear it is either right at the very bottom and not quite clipping but if I move it a teeny weeny amount its full cliiped and distorted :evil: whereas with my old creative card I would have the level say somewhere around the middle but have loads of control over it...

Anyhow here it is -warts and all :lol: CherubWolf

For some very strange reason the end of my crap ish solo got removed as well,perhaps the new soundcard has some taste :lol: :oops:

Wolf ;)
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Post by DGV »

Well, I must say first f all that the thing I've always liked about your GPG work is that you always manage to have a sound very particular to you, in a good way. There's something very distinct about your playing to me, which is basically a great thing. And this was no exception.

Your rhythm playing was tight and altogether nice throughout. I'd never call your solo crappish or anything similar, I thought it was very nice and worked well in the song.

All in all, I'd say it was a good and solid job from your part. Good job mate.
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Post by Ice »

Well played Wolf - very good sounds considering how you had to record :D

Nice playing throughout, you maybe sounded a wee bit hesitant with the main riff in places but other than that well played :)

I'm going to try and get this down tomorrow ;)
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

very nice sounding, crisp playing on the riffs mostly, and the solo worked well with the song :)
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Post by Ice »

Recorded all my rhythm today, and then found out my Fuzz Factory battery is flat. Getting another this evening and should get this polished off tomorrow ;)
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Post by Wolf11 »

Thanks Chaps :)

I remember when I used to use lots of pedals ,I was forever buying batteries for them :D

Wolf ;)
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Post by Ice »

Sorry for the slight delay on this one, had an unexpected interview to go to yesterday (which I got) and didn't get around to recording the last parts of this until today :)

Here's my version. I upped the tempo to try and get it a bit closer to their live version. The intro is just the PRS in middle and bridge. The rest is played through twice for all the rhythm, once PRS middle pickup through the Marshall overdrive for James Iha, second time Strat through the Fuzz Factory/Marshall clean for Billy's part. Comments and criticisms appreciated as always.

Ice - Cherub Rock
Last edited by Ice on Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DGV »

Nice work! Nice tones you got there. Props for the live tempo as well. Nice rhythm playing, tight and precise throughout. Nice work on the solo as well, just the first unison bend caught my ear a bit.

Good work on nailing a job, tell us a more! :D
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Post by Ice »

Yeah, the solo I was pleased with, but the very best take I had I had to junk because I messed up the ending. Other than that one mistake it had been exactly what I was going for, and I couldn't quite replicate it despite numerous attempts.

I'll be working in GAME starting this Thursday, managed to get an interview and the job over 48hrs lol. Hopefully I'll still have time for guitar playing ;)
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Post by Wolf11 »

Firstly congrats on the Job Pete :D ..at least it will give you a reason to get up in the mornings :) ... you wont have time for Guitar playing as you,ll be playing all the latest games :lol:

I thought this was one of your best GPG tracks,it sounded so much better imo at tempo ,very confident & enthusiastic throughout on the rythmn parts and I liked the solo (other than a couple of slightly off bends as already mentioned ) but overall great work m8 :D

The tones worked very well and gave it a nice layering ...

Wolf ;)