Please ensure your topics go in the forum most relevant for discussion. Each forum has equal exposure even though some are busier than others and they will be moved regardless if there is a more suitable forum for them, so please try and give us a little less work to do!
I have been choosing where to put my posts. Some I wanted to discuss in P & S with all the depth involved. Others I thought would make suitable light-hearted conversation for the Hackle and I didn't really want to get into a deep discussion on the matter. The 100 heroes, for example, definitely ought to sit in the pub.
Fair enough and you're entitled to do so. But experience shows that topics even with the best intentions degenerate after an average of 7 posts in the Hackle; perhaps we should look for a lighter atmosphere in P&S rather than attempting to intellectualise H&S?
Kajun wrote:Fair enough and you're entitled to do so. But experience shows that topics even with the best intentions degenerate after an average of 7 posts in the Hackle; perhaps we should look for a lighter atmosphere in P&S rather than attempting to intellectualise H&S?
I dunno, open to discussion.
I know I'm 3 posts early, but I was just wondering out of interest if I normally appear in a thread around the 7 post mark?
I agree with Kajun on this one. The Hammer and Sickle is meant for Off Topic discussion - and as Kajun has pointed out most threads degenereate failry quickly in there.
Many of the threads that have been posted in there should in my opinion be in P&S as there is a deal of discussion that could emerge from them - be it in depth debate or a bit of light hearted commentary on something that has happened in the news.
hanohtep is saying is that the material world doesn't work that way
"Goat Boy is here to please you..."
I suppose it's asking a bit much to have a mid-ground somewhere. In my experience a pub discussion in real life will embrace light hearted banter and serious debate in turn. The serious forums often don't seem the appropriate place to inject banter.
But on the other hand P&S is there for discussion of politics and society. If everything gets posted in the Hackle it makes P&S redundant and the Hackle far too cluttered.
hanohtep is saying is that the material world doesn't work that way
"Goat Boy is here to please you..."
I have no problem with the occasional "hijacking" of threads with banter. But I feel, and I hope Kajun agrees with me on this, that if a thread goes waaayyyyyy off-topic then it will be split and the off-topic bit will go to the Hackle.
hanohtep is saying is that the material world doesn't work that way
"Goat Boy is here to please you..."
Generally if a thread goes off-topic for more than 5 posts then it's either split or forgotten about by the users. We want to try to avoid the latter and so it'll be split - 5 off-topic posts constitute a thread in themselves. I know you lose some of the context in both the original and new thread, but we have to draw the line somewhere, and so it's up to the users to either not go too far off-topic, or recover the thread if it has done.... (and the agents participating in the thread too, naturally)
I was thinking about that very question earlier, and it probably still depends on your judgement - a music related news item should go in Music, obviously. A Middle East story will go in P&S. But there will still be stories more suited to the pub because there's nowhere else that they seem to fit...
I guess look at the post/story itself and see where that should go, rather than the thread you/we expect to follow?
I'm not sure about, for example, some of the Autism related threads. Since autism as a theme pops up quite a lot it isn't always logical to put it in P & S?