[GPG] Bigpops' choice - Hotel California, by The Eagles.

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Post by Ice »

I like the strumming parts as they're a bit reggae-ish and I've been playing some ska lately so they fit in nicely :)

On a Marc Seal note, he's hosting a chat today at 5pm on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/guitarmaniafanclub/chat I highly recommend you come along, and bring your guitar (you can play to each other in chat :bg:). The Guitar Vision player has the tab of "Goodbye..." free if you click Demo. I'm not too fussed with it so far, and using QT instead of streaming media is a big mistake. I'm starting to feel very privileged to have caught some GM live... This new pre-recorded version may be shit.
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[GPG] Bigpops' choice - Hotel California, by The Eagles.

Post by Bigpops »

I don't really know if this appeals to any of you or not. I hope so. If not, then :oops:

Anyway, i've picked this track, because it offers so many different ways to play it.
You and finger pick it, flat pick it, strum it, with a capo, or without. You can do the electric (original) version, or the unplugged version (from Hell freezes over), which is my personal favourite. It makes me want a classical guitar. It also has one of the best guitar solo's of all time, and there are no fast parts in it.

I seriously suggest that you listen to the gp3 of the unplugged version. It's astoundingly accurate.
For the electric version, i recommend the 'Hotel California (3)' version fer electric.

Oh, and don't pay too much attention to the picking patterns. Just finger the chords, and either use you own, or use two or three of the recorded ones. You can of course play every note perfectly if you so wish. It'll just take you a couple of months to learn it :o
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Post by DGV »

Great choice! Brilliant song! I only wish this one would've come up a bit later, so that I'd have the time to do something to be able to record with the acoustic. Lots of challenges here. Rather a long song with tremendous guitar work throughout. I think I'd need a month even as it is to learn this to my satisfaction. Let's see what I can do in just one week.
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Post by Wolf11 »

:) Must admit this was always one of those songs that used to come on the Pub juke box most Fri/sat nights lol.

Always thought it was a bit reggae ish.....but loved the end solo,s....

My poor memory is going to be very challenged....now to hunt for it on Kazza :)

It,s the only song I know by the Eagles.....I,m sure they must have done others..just cant think of any :oops: .
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Post by Bigpops »

Just do what ever bit(s) you like. The intro, one verse and one chorus, and you know almost the whole song.

I don't know how much i'll do. I'll probably do the solo, first off, and do the rest if i get chance.

If you really want to do everything, then it will take you an age.
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Post by DGV »

Oh, this reminds me of the good old days since I'm fingerpicking the intro. Haven't actually fingerpicked since my first choice (GNR Don't Cry). The intro's coming awful easy for me compared to whatever I play with a pick.

Incidentally, I found the intro of Hotel California(3) to be less accurate than the on named simply Hotel California. Have yet to check out all the rest of the song but as far as the intro goes I'm going by that one.
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Post by Ice »

This'll be interesting :)
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Post by Hanohtep »

/me ponders

This is a song I've been wanting to learn for ages. I'll have a stab at learning it but I'm not promising that I'll have enough time to record a passable version.
hanohtep is saying is that the material world doesn't work that way
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Post by DGV »

Guess who purchased some picks today? :) I got a fairly large variation. I'm especially liking one that's pretty similar to the Jazz III (which is also at the top of my list, btw) but smaller. Stubby or something it was called. Nothing miraculous achieved here, unfortunately :( :wink: , I just think it helps me articulate a bit better, but that's about it. Have yet to put it through extensive playing, of course, so we'll see.
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Post by Wolf11 »

Lol..my plectrum selection came yesterday :)

Jesus the Jazz III are small..I really hated it when I first picked it up...but am getting faster..they definatley accent each note better..which makes it clearer .But I,m still pondering whether it,s too small....I find it difficult to go between rythmn /lead easily.

I aslo got a couiple of Fender wedges....bloody grerat things..they make each note quite soft so they blend in....Frank Gambale(my favorite guitarist uses them )..so I though I'd try them as well...they are almost too big.

Eventually I,ll find what I like..The tortoishell pointy jobby is quite nice as well....

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Post by DGV »

Yeah, I know! I thought that the Jazz III was small but somehow I'd gotten one that was considerably smaller. Actually, it's ridiculously small, but I'm liking it. I'm switching a lot, trying to see what I like best. I seem to find a new favourite every time I play. :bg:
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Post by DGV »

:evil: Artificial harmonics :evil: Pinch harmonics, to be exact. Why oh why can't I do them consistently??? I get the squeal like 1/3 tries. Which is a shame because it actually brings a lot to this song. Any hints? I haven't really worked on them previously, I've been so lazy, but now I'd very much like to do them properly. Other than that I'm prgressing pretty well. I'll probably post what I've got going now on Monday just to be on time, but if we don't pick a new song immediately I'll redo it all over Christmas.
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Post by Ice »

TBH I just choke up on the pick then pick normally... It's a bit hard to explain without being able to show you... :(
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Post by Bigpops »

I use the same grip on the pick, for all my playing. I just tend to move my thumb (and therefore pick) closer to the string, and use more of an picking angle, something closer to 45 degrees for an artificial harmonic.

Here's a tip for gripping your pick, and the basis for a good picking technique.

1. Alternate pick one string, as fast you can.
2. Look at your grip, and wrist movement.
3. Use that exact same grip, and wrist movement, for all you lead playing, no matter how slowly you play.

This will give you your potnetial picking speed. The speed at which you will be able to (ultimately) pick single note runs.

I've only discovered this very recently (a few months ago), and it's helped me no end. By doing it this way, you cannot be limited by using an unsuitable right hand. One where you cannot pick as fast.

Give it a try. You may suprise yourself.
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Post by Ice »

Much though I dislike the song, I'm enjoying learning it so far :bg: I also agree with BP on the pick holding technique, it does free you up a lot feel wise.
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Post by Wolf11 »

The problem I have at the mo ..is that to palm mute I have to change my picking angle....I think it's probably a case of getting used to the teensie winsy Jazz III in my big Paws :bg:

I,ve tried to fingerpick this song...but am Gonna strum it like Darren said...as It would take me ages to be able to play it cleanly....Havnt really had much time on it...but hopefully this weekend I can practise it :)

MErry Christmas

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Post by DGV »

The weirdest thing is that so far the only thing I've really struggled with is the strumming. I've fingerpicked what had to be fingerpicked, but the parts where it's pure strumming are giving me a hard time. There's something in the rhythm that always sets me off, and I end up out of time.

I do have another problem. Something broke yesterday and I haven't been able to record anything. Or at least anything decent. Whatever I record crackles all the time and it sounds fuzzy. And this happens even if I just record the backing track, so it isn't my guitar or the cables, something's messed up in my soundcard, I think. Playback works fine, though, it's just the new recordings that don't work.

Also, I'm once again in search for web space, since hosting mp3's at guitar.com will be charged some 10$ come next year. :(
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Post by Wolf11 »

Funny you say about the strumming I,m a bit the same....So am sort of strumming then letting it sustain .

Sorry to hear about your PC m8..they are a pain in the arse..when they go wrong.I need to buy a new DVD rom player ..as mine wont play DVD R and some bloke who reviews plectrums online sent me one :D

Whats the weather like In Finland at the moment..It must make it seem more Christmassy with snow and stuff...rather than dreary damp England :(

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Post by Bigpops »

Mr Marc Seal is back online at www.guitarschool.net . The first lesson is a 92MB quicktime. So it's nice and easy to save to harddisk.

The catch is; he shows you how to play the song (Randy Rhodes' goodbye to romance solo this week), but you have to buy the 'tab' at $4 per song. I say 'tab', but it's more like a midi, and it shows you the fingerings, chords, scales, picking motions etcetera on a 'vitrual' guitar neck. And you can speed it up, slow it down, and soom in and out.

PS. These (Hotel California) solos are a masterclass in the art of bending. I think they've used every single bending technique that exists. Get this down, and you never struggle with bends again.
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Post by Wolf11 »

:roll: 92 mb would take me till next christmas lol

But I,ll have a peek anyhow...

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Post by Ice »

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Post by Wolf11 »

;( Stupid Yahoo..I,ve spewnt ages trying to create an account and it,s confirmed but it keeps telling me I dont exist..stupid F##King thing :(

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Post by MoneyPenny »

Wolf11 wrote:;( Stupid Yahoo..I,ve spewnt ages trying to create an account and it,s confirmed but it keeps telling me I dont exist..stupid F##King thing :(

Mr IceBus can you sort this one out as well ;)

<goes back into hiding>
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Post by DGV »

IceBus: Cheers for the help, mate.

Wolf: It's cold. I'm a summer person but there's something magical about snow, especially around Christmas. A White Christmas we sure do have. :)

I'll try to sort the compy out tomorrow or monday. So far I've actually got a semi-decent recording of all guitar parts up to the solos. If I don't get it fixed there will be a very distinguishable change in tone around there. I was thinking of redoing the beginning since there are several mistakes that I could have eliminated but I thought I was too pressed for time. If recording is as bad as it is atm I won't bother, since it'll only be worse. We'll see.
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Post by Wolf11 »

Moneypenny ..no need to hide ..you can brighten up this little area with your sig and smile anytime :)

DGV- I suppose I prefer warm weather in one sense..but I love snow...we dont really get that much in east anglia .Do you live in the country or out in the snowy wilds ? I,m not trying to be too nosey I,m just fascinated as to what other ppl to....as It stops me having to think about my dreary life .

Merry Christmas and all that !