I don't really know if this appeals to any of you or not. I hope so. If not, then
Anyway, i've picked this track, because it offers so many different ways to play it.
You and finger pick it, flat pick it, strum it, with a capo, or without. You can do the electric (original) version, or the unplugged version (from Hell freezes over), which is my personal favourite. It makes me want a classical guitar. It also has one of the best guitar solo's of all time, and there are no fast parts in it.
I seriously suggest that you listen to the gp3 of the unplugged version. It's astoundingly accurate.
For the electric version, i recommend the 'Hotel California (3)' version fer electric.
Oh, and don't pay too much attention to the picking patterns. Just finger the chords, and either use you own, or use two or three of the recorded ones. You can of course play every note perfectly if you so wish. It'll just take you a couple of months to learn it