The treble is what really gets to me. It's really tinny and undefined and seems to lack a lot of the high mids. Cymbals just all wash together and you can't hear single hits on the hi-hat or crashes, it just all washes over everything. It just sounds very empty and when A/B testing it sounds like you're listening underwater.
Basically I'm on a pretty tight budget as I only have <£100 to spend (the Sony cost me £49.99). Can anyone recommend me some good personal CD players to look at?
I'm going to try and go into a major electronics store tomorrow to try some out and I'd like to be prepared with a shortlist. Basically I want:-
- Good battery life
- Clear open sound, without sounding the treble sounding tinny
- Nothing overly warm, or distorts everything by having way too much bass instead of nice defined bass
- Something with a remote
- Something that doesn't look too bad lol
What CD players are you guys using? I just can't afford the jump to MP3 (or the loss of quality!).
Thanks a lot,