[GPG] Ice's Choice - Cherub Rock - The Smashing Pumpkins

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[GPG] Ice's Choice - Cherub Rock - The Smashing Pumpkins

Post by Ice »

I've been wanting to do a nice, simple tight rock song for a while and this is my choice :)

The tab on MySongbook (Cherub Rock (2).gp3) is pretty good as far as I can tell, time to warm up that fuzz tone ;)

Last edited by Ice on Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

EDIT: posted in wrong topic somehow.. any way, shall check this out!
Last edited by mak on Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wolf11 »

Never heard it :) ..so look forward to hearing what its like :D

Wolf ;)
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Post by DGV »

I'm on the same boat with Wolf. Or at least the name says nothing at all to me. I'll try to get a copy of it somewhere...

Edit: found it. It does sound vaguely familiar, but it's basically still a new song to me. If tha actually makes sense. Kickass song, very cool straightforward rock. I've yet to look at the tab though. And incidentally, I know my curent setup won't get anything near that tone.
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

Very OT, but just before i had to pack up my damaged tonelab (had a broken switch you see :( ) i managed to rerecord the rhythm parts of overture 1928, just to see how it sounded.


Contrary to what many say, it seems to do hi-gain stuff pretty well :)

Back ON topic.. i admit, i thought i wouldnt like this track but in fact, i like it alot! should be enjoyable getting it down :D
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Post by Bigpops »

Nice track Pete.

It's been a while since we did a Pumpkins number. I really hope i have the chance to record it, as i'm now equipped with single coils.

I'm never in the house these days (I was only in Wednesday night last week), as my social life is (very) suprisingly vibrant these days. Hence, no recording of my own choice. I'll get around to it eventually.
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Post by AxeHack »

Well here is one that I would have never picked. This will be an interesting experience since I hate Smashing Pumpkins. I'll have to go back and listen to this since I haven't heard it since it was popular like 10 years ago.

Good pick, forcing me to learn something I would not have learned otherwise. :)
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Post by DGV »

Axe: yeah man, that's what's really great about this. Try to work your way through it, in the end it can be pretty rewarding.

Bigpops: :shock: Now that can only be a good thing, right? :lol: I really do hope you get around to POTO as well, I'm really looking forward to hearing your take on it.

Mak: now that I'm playing tonecritic for a minute here, I'd say it sounded alright. Maybe a bit dry, though I suspect it was on purpose. A tiny bit of reverb or something like that might make the tone a bit warmer. The clarity seemed good, as it certainly didn't turn muddy at all with the high gain.
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Post by Wolf11 »

That sounded pretty dam meaty Mak :D..I must admit I still think its a dam cool riff .

Glad to hear you have a life Darren :lol: ..I seem to have become more of a net hermit than ever-permantly playing games etc lol or guitar in between gaming moments :D

Wolf ;)
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Post by Bigpops »

Nice sound Mak.

I'm a fan of Line6's gear. For the money, you can't really go wrong.

I was going to buy a Variax, but i just happen to have bought something else about 5 minutes ago........ ;)

To be continued.

Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

now you mention it dgv, the recording does sound a little thin.. i think i sapped away the mids a bit too enthusiastically post recording ;)
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Post by DGV »

Bigpops: I hope it's not another watch, but rather something guitar-related. :lol:

Mak: It's good if you understand what I was trying to say as I always seem to have some difficulties expressing myself when it comes to tone. :wink: Thin wasn't a word I would've used. I thought the sound of the distortion itself was good and packed a good deal of punch. I dunno really, maybe 'dry' was a good enough word to describe what I was getting at. :lol:
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Post by Bigpops »

DGV: No, it's not a watch. I've just bought a Dell 24" TFT, so i can't afford anymore watches. At least for a couple of months.

I can't really afford this new guitar either, but it could NOT be missed. I've been waiting years for such a beauty.

Clue.... It's Japanese.
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Post by Wolf11 »

Erm congrats on the Dell ..they do look lovely monitors :D

Erm Jap YJM strat in Vintage white ???

Wolf ;)
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Post by Bigpops »

Spot on Gus. Apart from the YJM part.

Here it is. http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedsale10.htm

The link and photos may expire soon, as he's removed the link from the For Sale page.

I won't get it unitl next Friday, as he's away until late next Wednesday.

I'm already thinking about mods for it. US pots, switch, and extra sheilding are a definate. I might try my mint green guard, and see if i like that. If i do, then new pickup covers and guard. I might also get some Kinman pickups for it, eventually. They're pretty pricey, but i've heard they're fantastic, and they don't hum (stacked humbuckers). I'm also changing the saddles from the cast ones it comes with to either to rolled Fender stamped saddles (as on my '62), or some graphtech ones. I might also remove one of the String trees (Yngwie Style), depending on how the trem is.

I can't wait to get my greasy paws on it.
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Post by Wolf11 »

mmm very sexy looking Darren :D ...lovely colour I always think !

Wolf ;)
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Post by DGV »

It's a steal, too! Jap strats are going for around 1000€ here. Congrats man, very nice!

As is the Dell, btw. 24 inches... *drool*

How have you liked the first Jap strat? Has it lived up to its expectations?
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Post by Bigpops »

My current Jap Strat is awesome. I've yet to hear a better sounding guitar played clean in the flesh, and it plays beautifully. Even the trem stays in tune.

This one should sound different enough to my current one to justify the cost - though the colour combination does that for me anyway. It's got a different wood for the body; different fretboard; different pickups.

On the Dell. My old TFT died (2 years old), and i'd been wanting the Dell since it came out. I guess that was the push i needed. 3 years 24hr swap out warranty should mean it was worth the money.
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »


I'm done. i decided to make up my own solo in a kind of steve morse style, using the original as a guideline though :P

catchy hooks in this one, i would never have thought to learn this :)
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Post by Ice »

Well played Mak :) Nice and tight throughout and smoothly played.

Only criticisms would be that to me it sounded a wee bit too reverby and the clean section at the start was a wee bit low in the mix. Also the overall tempo was a bit slow but I think that's more down to the GP3 track, I meant to mention it'd need sped up a wee bit.

The solo was nicely played, but as a diehard Pumpkins fan I found it odd not hearing the Billy version ;)

Good job overall :D
Delta (Bokanovsky)
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Post by mak »

i actually found the gp3 to be a bit faster than the actual track, so i dropped it from 90 to 86bpm.. not that much but you can hear it ;)

haven't had very much time to spend on this one atm with A level work, so i figured making up my own solo would be quicker than learning the real one :lol:
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Post by DGV »

Basically, what Ice said. Very nice and tight throughout. Brilliant solo. :wink: Not being so much into the band I think it fit the song very well. I just think it might've been good to bring it out a bit more in the mix, as it is pretty quiet especially after the beginning of the solo. Nice and quick job.

I must confess I've yet to start learning this, as I've been a bit busy. Two exams last week and quite a bit of other work to be done have kept me busy. Next week is looking a bit better, luckily.

I'm GASsing a bit again. I've been thinking of selling one old acoustic which I don't particularly enjoy playing, and getting something completely different, but more on that later. Let's just say it's something I've never owned. :wink:

I mentioned the Bodom trials going on here a couple of months ago. The big verdict came yesterday and the sole survivor of the attack on a group of campers sleeping in their tent on the shore of Lake Bodom some 40 years ago was found not guilty. The court went pretty far in saying that they found it probable that the attack was perpetrated by an outsider that didn't belong to the camping group, instead of just saying that there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict this guy. This they probably did because the suspect has pretty much been judged by the public and he most likely will not be able to lead a normal life anymore, and they tried to alleviate that a bit.
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Post by Ice »

Yikes on the Bodom trials front... Is the general consensus that he was guilty and the trial ended up being an OJ Simpson/Michael Jackson sort of thing?

I'll be interested to hear what the new guitar might be... I'm beginning to feel left out again ;) Glad to hear you're nearly finished exams etc.

Speaking of Bodom I've been learning riffs here and there - not at speed yet but I've got the main Trashed, Lost & Strungout riff down at 75% and I've learned the notes of the awesome bit in Bastards of Bodom, although I'm doing a proper one position fingering as opposed to the stupid one on MySongbook - I'll send it over if you want ;)
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Post by DGV »

It's not going to be a guitar... :D

Generally speaking it did turn out to be about as bad as the OJ case for the suspect, but the evidence was by no means overwhelming. And all the experts (myself included :lol: ) were pretty sure that there couldn't be a conviction with the evidence they had. But he is the Bodom killer in the minds of the populace, so life can't be easy. Especially if he really is innocent, which we probably will never know. There were all sorts of wacko witnesses popping up, telling the press about how the guy supposedly confessed it all to them in a bar 20 years ago and crazy stuff like that. :roll:

The Bodom murders were a really big thing here for several decades. Everyone has heard weird ghost stories etc. about the Bodom murders and kids have long been warned about the spooky Bodom Killer if they go camping or out to the woods or something like that. It's become local folklore or an urban legend of sorts, only it is actually true, to some extent at least. Apparently the Laiho and the other Bodom boys actually lived very near the lake so they've really heard a lot of stories in their time, which probably explains their fascination towards it.

As for the tab - of course, send away!
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Post by AxeHack »

MAK, nice job very tight. Kind of weird as much as I dislike the Samashing Pumpkins it was very strange not to hear Billy's solo on the song. This song must have been played 10,000 times on local radio when it was big, so that was a little strange.

I thought it was really well done except for the mix level varying quite a bit through the solo.

Excellent playing.
AxeHack Image