Basically, what Ice said. Very nice and tight throughout. Brilliant solo.

Not being so much into the band I think it fit the song very well. I just think it might've been good to bring it out a bit more in the mix, as it is pretty quiet especially after the beginning of the solo. Nice and quick job.
I must confess I've yet to start learning this, as I've been a bit busy. Two exams last week and quite a bit of other work to be done have kept me busy. Next week is looking a bit better, luckily.
I'm GASsing a bit again. I've been thinking of selling one old acoustic which I don't particularly enjoy playing, and getting something completely different, but more on that later. Let's just say it's something I've never owned.
I mentioned the Bodom trials going on here a couple of months ago. The big verdict came yesterday and the sole survivor of the attack on a group of campers sleeping in their tent on the shore of Lake Bodom some 40 years ago was found not guilty. The court went pretty far in saying that they found it probable that the attack was perpetrated by an outsider that didn't belong to the camping group, instead of just saying that there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict this guy. This they probably did because the suspect has pretty much been judged by the public and he most likely will not be able to lead a normal life anymore, and they tried to alleviate that a bit.